FreeStyle Friday

FreeStyle Friyays

Hello beautiful human beings of the internet! Northern girl here and I welcome you to freestyle Friyays. What in the world does that mean? Friyay’s (because honestly, friday is everyone’s favorite “F” word haha) on the blog are going to be dedicated exactly to that, Freestyling! You can find anything on here on Friday’s, a rant, a make up post, a brain dump, a life update, travel plans or reviews or whatever I happen to come up with on that particular day. Today is going to be an intro to what my whole blog will be. This blog is going under a complete reconstruction and if you’re not new to this blog you will notice I have given a name change to the blog…

Well, that comes after a turn of life events. You see, I have come to be a 23 year old who quite honestly, despises her job. I turn to blogging because it helps me get my feelings out and helps me explore my creativity. I can be open with my ideas and connect with other people who feel the same way. The reason I changed the name is because well in my first (very unsuccessful) year of blogging, I was hit with many punches and my blogging came last. I was busy taking care of others before myself and quite honestly it affected me mentally.

On a lighter note, I have made many changes and am focusing on what is making me happy again which is letting my creativity flow. While I am still at the job that does not make me happy I am working on things little by little to change that and start a new career. What is that new career? I can’t say because unfortunately, I can totally admit that I am somewhat going through a quarter life century crisis and finding myself in what I want that actual loving career to be. If there is one thing that I will not give up on is me, and one day soon or far, whenever it happens, the lightbulb will go off and I will find my career.

Until the next post,

xo Northern Girl

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